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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> radeon x1550 or 2400?
Jon Bowman   2008-12-08 20:30
I currently have a radeon 2400 in the pci-e x16 slot running 2 monitors. I want to run a third monitor now for my TV (I hate going into the control panel and switiching between my second monitor and the TV, sometimes it wont even switch)

I run vista and have an open pci and a pci-e x1 slot available. I was wondering if you'd go with the 2400 (pci) or the x1550 (pci-e x1) I believe the x1550. The x1550 is a slightly better card and the pci-e x1 slot should perform better, I also like that the 1550 has 2 dvi slots. At the same time I'm afraid a 1550 and 2400 will not work together nicely. Plus the 1550 uses a little more power (my power supply is 250 W, its a small book shelf system)

So what are your thoughts? I keep changing my mind. Should I play it safe with a 2400? or is a x1550 a better choice? Is there a better card I havn't found?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> radeon x1550 or 2400?

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