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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary/Secondary display conundrum ...
Vijay   2008-12-14 04:20

I am facing a peculiar problem. I have a PC with an NVIDIA 7300 LE that has one DVI and one analog VGA output. I connected the DVI out to a 40" HDTV and the VGA out to my PC monitor. So far so good ...

But, there are couple of issues:
1. BeyondTV (my HTPC program) will display video only on the primary monitor.

2. If I set my HDTV as my primary monitor, all the apps open onto that monitor (the start menu and desktop icons are still correctly displayed on my PC monitor). This is annoying as I have to keep my HDTV on during this time and move all the windows manually to the PC monitor.

How to solve this issue ? Will UltraMon be of any help ? - i.e., is there a way to:
- use my HDTV as primary monitor AND
- have all my apps (including their error messages, dialog boxes, ...) except for my TV/media center app to open on my secondary monitor (PC).

Thanks in advance for your help !

Christian Studer   2008-12-15 09:59
UltraMon won't help with this. Couldn't you just set the TV as primary only when you want to use BeyondTV?

Christian Studer -
Vijay   2008-12-15 14:11
If UltraMon cannot help, does there exist any other tool that can be used to solve this issue ?

I would like to avoid this switching, if possible. This is because BeyondTV comes with a remote which can be used to easily control the GUI. I need to figure out how to map the display switching to one of the remote keys (probably not a straightforward thing to do).

But, in general, I feel that this whole thing is freaking numb-skulled. I mean, shouldn't the OS be smart enough to differentiate between a HDTV and PC monitor and automatically direct apps/video to the correct monitor ! Sorry ... but I had to vent.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary/Secondary display conundrum ...

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