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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to force Windows to enable monitors?
wrybread   2008-12-14 23:11
I have a computer with 3 monitors, and if I boot the computer up without one of the monitors attached, it throws off the monitor layout. When I then boot up with all 3 monitors attached, I need to re-configure the 3 monitor layout. Specifically, I have to re-enable the 3rd monitor, and set the monitor order from left to right.

I'm wondering if there's some automated way to do this, either scripting, or UltraMon, or some other clever way, so I don't have to do this manually?

Thanks for any help.
Christian Studer   2008-12-15 10:05
With UltraMon you could set up a display profile which restores the original display configuration.

You could also check if your video card software has an option to force detection of a monitor.

Christian Studer -
wrybread   2008-12-19 20:38
Thanks, works perfectly.

To anyone else coming down this path: set up a profile in Ultramon, then tell it to execute that profile at login.
Marv   2009-02-13 04:19
I am running Windows XP Professional SErvice Pack 2 on an HP/Compaq nc8430 which is Docked and has two external monitors connected. It seems, from what I am reading on these posts and from what I thought Ultramon would do for me, I should be able to use all three monitors but I can only get two of them. What am I missing

Christian Studer   2009-02-13 10:46
I'm not aware of any laptop with support for 3 monitors, but you could install a USB video card for the 2nd external monitor.

Christian Studer -
Nils   2009-04-07 14:27
After installing a Pertelian X2040 Mini Display my computer will not switch to dual Monitors. I can check the boxes to attach and to extend the desktop but when you select apply it goes back as it was. I have removed the Pertelian and program and the computer still will not do dual monitors. The second monitor i connect to my laptop will come on and mirror the main monitor but there is no way to extend the desktop, its as if it is locked out. I have tried to repair by removing and reinstalling all drivers for the monitors and video ATI-9000 HELP!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to force Windows to enable monitors?

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