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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor switching on single monitor
JJMD   2008-12-15 13:30
My apologies if this has been covered before, but I can't find a solution to this particular problem. My PC has 3 video cards and has been set up to connect to 3 projectors. This provides a 3screen wall that we use for education and teaching.

The problem currently is that we only have a single monitor connected to the PC which is the primary display. To see anything that is on the other displays, we have to look up to the front of the room to see it on the projector.

Now obviously the easiest solution to this is to buy 2 other monitors, however, the podium is too small to have so many monitors (yeah, I could also get smaller monitors..)

Here's the question: is it possible to switch the view on the single monitor to whichever display I want. Note that I don't want to move the applications or windows, I just want to change the primary display on my PC monitor on the fly.

Hopefully this isn't too confusing! Thanks!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor switching on single monitor

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