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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> icons moving around
Chris   2008-12-16 04:58
Hi, searching the forum I see there are a few issues related to icons moving to the secondary monitor, has a fix been found for this? I am encountering the same problem......Thanks, Chris
Christian Studer   2008-12-16 09:49
Can you restore icon positions via UltraMon menu > Desktop Icons > Restore Position?

Christian Studer -
mbarnes   2008-12-22 06:30
I have the same problem.

And when I restore the saved positions, there are some that do not go back to where they were when I saved them last. In fact, I can save, then restore just after, and those icons move right then.

Christian Studer   2008-12-22 09:11
One issue I'm aware of is with icons with similar names, only happens on Vista though (seems to be a Vista issue). I'm looking into a workaround for this for one of the next releases.

Christian Studer -
mbarnes   2008-12-22 11:28
I'm using Win XP and each icon has a unique name.

Christian Studer   2008-12-23 08:36
Unfortunately I don't know what might cause this on XP, also haven't seen this myself so far.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> icons moving around

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