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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Suggestion on new dual head PCI for 1920x1200 support
Jeff   2008-12-16 11:10
My current Ultramon setup is as follows.

Display Adaptors
1. On board Intel Q965 DB15
2. Very old dual head DB15 Radeon PCI card

1. 1680x1050 driven by Intel
2. 1600x1200 driven by Radeon
3. 1280x1024 driven by Radeon

I just ordered a 1920x1200 to replace the 1280x1024 display. Unfortunately, I could never manage to get the Radeon to support widescreen resolutions. I finally got the Q965 to support widescreen by tweaking the registry to enable that option which works fine now.

So now I am looking at replacing the Radeon with something else which will definitely support widescreen displays. The ATI taskbar item crashes every time I boot or try to hit advanced options, so I'd like to avoid ATI as I don't think it will work next time either.

I wouldn't get rid of the 1280x1024 if I had enough available adaptors. So a quad head would be great if the price was right.

I'd LIKE to keep this new card around $50 or less if possible.

There is an available PCI-E 1X slot in the machine. I believe it is used to expand the Q965 and last I checked, those 1X cards are quite expensive. If they weren't, I *think* I can use that to drive this new display as a secondary for the on board. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or elaborate if I missed something crucial.

Thanks everyone in advance!
Jeff   2008-12-18 10:09
No one is running a PCI as a secondary card with a widescreen monitor on it?
ecarlson   2008-12-20 15:45
So your motherboard doesn't have any PCIe 16X slots to put in a normal card?

- Eric,
Jeff   2008-12-29 00:57
Right, the motherbaord only has a PCI-E 1x slot which daughters on the on board Intel Q965 (I think) chipset.

Anyway, update for everyone. I bought a GeForce PCI 6200 256mb card and it works great!

Can someone comment if I can run two of these? I tried running two different manufacturer single head PCI cards in the past and only one would work at a time. I think I read on here that the two (both PCI) would work only if they could use the same drivers... I'd buy the exact same card again to do just that.
ECarlson   2009-01-01 12:55
2 of the same PCI card should be fine. You could probably run different cards if you already have another to experiment with, but if you have to buy another, then matching is probably the best bet.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Suggestion on new dual head PCI for 1920x1200 support

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