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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors, Rotated to Portrait -- Move Systray to Right Mon?
Gray   2008-12-19 08:43
I have two monitors, both rotated to portrait orientation. The system treats them as one big desktop. The mouse stops at the left edge of the left monitor and right edge of the right monitor (and the top and bottom of both monitors). The mouse flies from monitor to monitor through the right edge of the left monitor and vice versa. All of that is as I would expect and want it.

THE PROBLEM IS that even though I'm using the "Smart Taskbar", the systray is on the right corner of the left monitor. It seems like it should be on the right end of the right monitor. HOW CAN I MAKE THIS WORK?

Gray Strickland
XP Pro (SP3)
Nvidia GE Force 7300 LE
Christian Studer   2008-12-19 09:00
Moving the system tray to an UltraMon taskbar currently isn't supported, this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Jusitn   2008-12-29 15:45
I would love this feature
Jonathan   2009-01-07 01:59
Yeah, I'd love to be able to move it too! I'd really like the move the task-tray/clock to my right-hand monitor.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors, Rotated to Portrait -- Move Systray to Right Mon?

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