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mimi74 2008-12-21 19:25
The Ultramon button aren't displaying with the new adobe CS4 suite application
Christian Studer 2008-12-22 08:59
As far as I know CS4 is using a custom window title bar, unfortunately UltraMon usually can't add window buttons to applications with custom title bars.
Christian Studer -
White Tie 2009-01-15 00:48
Confirmed, though UltraMon has a brave stab at drawing the buttons when a CS4 window doesn't have focus, not that it helps. It gets worse: because CS4 doesn't use the standard title bar, you can't use the OS controls to make the titlebar smaller, if that's what you like. Its always big.
They do use the custom toolbar to add some buttons of their own, none of which are nearly as useful as UltraMon.
Grrr Adobe, why do they do these things?
Christian Studer 2009-01-15 05:16
To prevent the buttons from getting added occasionally, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility and disable them for the affected applications.
Christian Studer -
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