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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UltraMon only sees one monitor
Alsadius   2008-12-25 02:28
Just got a second monitor for Christmas, and started setting it up. I used the nVidia tools to do it at first, and I wound up with one 2560x1024 monitor, which was unsatisfactory. Looked around, saw UltraMon, downloaded it. Ran it, found out that it can only see one monitor, presumably because my video card (GeForce 7300GT) has merged the displays into one and makes it so the computer only sees that one. How do I fix this so that I can get everything working the way i want it to?

Alsadius   2008-12-25 05:17
I've done some more looking, and I see that tyhe help files have information on this that doesn't help me. From the Help pages:

Only a single monitor detected
Only a single monitor may be detected for one of the following reasons:

stretched or spanned multi-monitor mode is used. In this mode, only a single large monitor instead of multiple monitors is visible to applications and Windows. You'll need to change to independent displays mode

I'm pretty sure this is my problem, but I can't figure out how to fix it, because there's no "independent displays mode" that I can find.
ECarlson   2008-12-25 09:13
Turn off the hardware/driver based Span mode, and just use Windows native Extended Desktop mode.

- Eric,
Alsadius   2008-12-25 11:26
Okay. How?
ecarlson   2008-12-25 16:32
Turn off span mode, however you turned it on, to get back to normal, then, after rebooting, in Windows Display Properties/Settings tab, simply select the image of the second monitor, and click the "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" check box, and then set the resolution and refresh rates as needed for the second monitor if they're not already what you want them to be.

- Eric,
Alsadius   2008-12-26 11:50
That did it - I had to restart. Always forget that step. Thank you.
ECarlson   2008-12-26 12:27

- Eric,
DJBomberman   2009-01-02 14:35
I am having pretty much the same issue. I have been working on this for almost an hour. I got the display properites. Click the Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor. If flashes and then the second monitor in the settings display windows goes back to as if I did not select the monitor and click that check box. I setup a profile, but that doesn't do anything either. I tried to enable second monitor from the Ultramon menu and it does absolutely nothing. I went to the display setting within Ultramon, select the second monitor, click the box that says enable, it flickers and then asks if I want to restore the default settings. I say no and same thing. I basically have the same desktop displayed on both monitors. This is getting really frustrating. I have a Y-splitter from my VGA out put. I have swapped monitor connections on the cable. I have rebooted 5 or 6 times. Nothing seems to be working. I'm tech savy so I know there is something I missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My video card is Intel 82915G/G/910GL

Thanks in advance for your help!
Christian Studer   2009-01-03 09:49
Are you trying to use two external monitors? This won't work with the splitter, you'll get the same image on all monitors connected to the splitter.

Christian Studer -
DJBomberman   2009-01-04 14:49
Do I need to get a dual output video card then?
Christian Studer   2009-01-05 10:00
That would probably be the best solution, another option would be to install a USB video card for the second monitor.

Christian Studer -
mina   2009-01-16 13:16
i am trying to run 2 mont and i have tried every thing i dont know what to do the other mon is just black and i cant get it to work is ther anything any one can tell me to just even help me out thank you if its cool just email me thank you
Bgseco   2009-01-23 04:05
Can I use UM with a 25.5" monitor?

Thank you,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> UltraMon only sees one monitor

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