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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper Associated to Profile
Nathan Sudds   2008-12-29 09:21
Is there functionality built into UltraMon to associate a wallpaper with a specific display profile?

I'd like to be able to have one wallpaper for instance in a "Desk" profile setting where when I'm at my desk with my laptop, where I have a 22" LCD and my Laptop Screen side by side. But then be able to switch to "Mobile" where a totally different wallpaper is assigned for when I leave my desk with the laptop and head to a meeting or other location -- this for instance might be a company branded wallpaper more official and my standard desk one can be more custom and they automatically switch depending on the profile I'm using.

Currently this does not happen, if I have a dual monitor wallpaper setup it shows one of the two wallpapers or shows a cropped or stretched version depending on the settings.

If anyone could help me get the setting correct if they exist, or I'd like to recommend a feature like this for a future edition.


Christian Studer   2008-12-29 10:16
There's no built-in support for this, but you could do this with the ApplyProfileAndWallpaperDockedUndocked script.

Christian Studer -
Nathan Sudds   2008-12-29 23:56
Thanks Christian -- this looks like what I need, except that my current setup doesn't involve a docking station and disconnecting the monitor doesn't seem to trigger the switch. I generally have to toggle profiles by right clicking on the UltraMon icon and choosing my Mobile profile.

I'll have a look through the list of scripts, maybe there is one that does the switch of Display and Wallpaper profile together, that would probably solve my problem if I could create two shortcuts "desktop" and "mobile" to make the change.

I wasn't aware of the various scripts, thanks for pointing those out.
Christian Studer   2008-12-30 08:01
The easiest way to do this manually would be to create two batch files which load the desired display profile and wallpaper, see this thread for details.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper Associated to Profile

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