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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> location of standard Windows taskbar
Jim   2008-12-29 11:51
Hi all,

I have 4 monitors running Windows XP on two GeForce FX 5500 cards. I only a taskbar on the primary monitor. Somehow I screwed it up and my taskbar is on one of my secondary monitors (#2) however, I login on the primary monitor (#3) and all my icons, etc. are that monitor, too(#3). Does anybody know how to move my taskbar to my primary monitor?


Jeff   2008-12-29 23:04
You should be able to simply drag the taskbar to the monitor you want it to be displayed on.

If you can't drag it, right click on the taskbar and be sure that "Lock the Taskbar" does not have a checkbox next to it.
ECarlson   2009-01-01 12:57
Exactly. And don't forget to lock the taskbar again once you've dragged it to where you want it.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> location of standard Windows taskbar

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