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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot detect my second monitor
Scott   2009-01-02 07:38

I got a small problem with ultramon.
Which is when I try to use my second monitor it shows only 1 monitor.

Also I cannot see my second monitor in my windows expand desk top settings.

I connected my 2 monitors into the same video card.
I'm on SLI mode and on vista 64 bit.

I tried to disable Event logger in services.
In nVidia settings I can see my second monitor but I cannot use both of the monitors I can only switch between monitors.

Thanks in advance.
Scott   2009-01-02 07:39
Also I want to add that I can see 2 monitors in the Device Manger.
Scott   2009-01-03 03:17
Any help please?
I spent so much time looking for a solution but not luck.
Christian Studer   2009-01-03 09:51
Disabling SLI should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot detect my second monitor

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