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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon start up too late/slow...
Willy   2009-01-03 05:29
Is there a way to get ultramon to start up sooner? before other apps start up? Its pretty annoying seeing everything start up and then having to wait for ultramon to startup and then refresh the screens. This lags up my windows startup time so much more than it should...
Mustang   2009-01-03 06:58
Pretty impossible to make UltraMon start sooner
What you could do is make everything else start later

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run """C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UltraMon.exe"""
WScript.Sleep( 12000 )
WshShell.Run """Path\To\First\Program\To\Launch"""
WshShell.Run """Path\To\Second\Program\To\Launch"""
WshShell.Run """Path\To\Third\Program\To\Launch"""
Willy   2009-01-03 08:28
I dont get it...I typed in startup.vbs in start>run, but its not working ...
Mustang   2009-01-04 12:48
You would need to create the VBScript and put it in your Startup folder
OFC edit it with the correct paths
Then remove the application shortcuts from the same folder

Note, not all applications use the Startup folder
So I would also run MSConfig and check for any entries you might have missed
Xenophod   2009-01-14 04:23
I'm using "StartDelay" by r2 studios to control which apps start and when.

It's works well and does what I want it to do.

I have Ultramon start at 10 seconds after boot and then my "Change Wallpaper.vbs" script starts 2 seconds after that...
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon start up too late/slow...

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