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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon x1300 and a Radeon 9200SE
Fringe Monkey   2009-01-05 20:41
I have just started with multi monitors and have a problem and this seamed like the place to ask.
My system is set up as follows
AGP Port - Radeon x1300 -VGA to a Dell Monitor and S-Vid to a 32" TV
PCI Port - A Radeon 9200SE - VGA to a Sony Monitor
OS is Win Xp Pro x64

The Problem:
i have no issues with 2D, all the moniters work and ultramon takes care of everything very nicely. Until I try and run/drag a 3d app or game to the Sony Moniter on the 9200. I assume its a driver problem and have searched for almost a week for a solution for this. Main problem there is that ATI didnt make 64bit drivers for any chipsets older than 9500 so i am stuck with the default microsoft drivers for the 9200.

At this point I figure that i am stuck with the system how it is. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon x1300 and a Radeon 9200SE

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