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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Head Winamp Visuals
Gazz   2001-12-06 02:04
I am running XP with a Herc Nvidia GEforce GTS pro
Athlon 1.4, SB Live, Hollywood+(for the DVD bit)
This System I use also as my MP3 Jukebox,
I would like to somehow feed the Winamp or oozic Visuals to the Lounge TV - second head & lower resolution

*Can anyone suggest a decent PCI TV out Video card

Hopefully I am looking for a card that dosent shrink the TV display so much you can't get rid of those horible black bars With Winamp visuals like DVD it looks better if it goes off the TV edges a bit

Thanks 4 Any of your Advise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gazz.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Head Winamp Visuals

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