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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI-E and PCI vid card install problems
rsan   2009-01-10 14:07
I installed, unsuccessfully, two BFG NVidia GeForce 8400 GS (one PCI-E 16, one PCI) cards today.
I’m running Windows XP SP2 (or SP3), it’s the most recent available since I just received the desktop 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, I originally installed the PCI-E card. Dual monitors worked. I would like to use 3 monitors so I purchased the same exact card but for the PCI slot.

After installation of the PCI card, the desktop boots on the PCI card. I updated the driver to the most current available. In the BIOS, it indicates that PCI-E is primary, though, it doesn’t boot to the PCI-E.

I removed the PCI card to test. Desktop boots to the PCI-E. I removed the PCI-E and installed the PCI. Desktop boots to PCI.

Installed the PCI-E again (PCI already in) and changed the BIOS to make PCI primary. It booted to PCI. I changed back to PCI-E to be primary.

Now it goes to the command prompt asking me for a config of some sort…bad kernel, etc…

My question is, how do I make the two cards work so I can use 3 monitors? What did I do wrong on the install. I’m not concerned about the whole black screen thing at this point. I’d just like to know if there’s something I should have done that I didn’t do. (I’m returning the desktop and getting another to give the install a new try. I’ve crashed this system 2x already and had to reinstall XP twice.)

bubbachuck   2009-01-22 11:59
Question, even though it boots to PCI, as long as the two video cards are detected in your Device Manager, it should be fine right?

The important aspect is not necessarily what it boots to, but whether you'll get 3 screens in XP, no? Did you check whether you have 2 vid cards detected in XP?

BTW I'm trying the same thing: getting triple monitors with an PCIe 16x 8800GTS and something with PCI. I have an order placed for a 6200 PCI but now that there's 8400GS...that's interesting...know any good places to get one?
Antti   2009-03-15 07:29
Im runnign 8800GTX & 6200PCI together and works like a charm.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI-E and PCI vid card install problems

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