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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Matrox QID-LP PCI
fabio   2009-01-14 19:30
On windows xp (MOTHERBOARD ASUS P5LD2-X), I've 3 cards (matrox QID-LP PCI) with 4 monitors each.
But with ultramon I can see only 10 monitors.

If I add another agp card I can see it, for a total of 11 monitors.

What can I do to see all 13 monitors?

Christian Studer   2009-01-15 05:14
This is most likely a limitation of the Matrox driver, I would recommend contacting them for more information.

Christian Studer -
fabio   2009-01-18 19:42
Matrox says that their drivers supports more than 10 monitors.

I don't know what I can do now...
Christian Studer   2009-01-19 08:46
Also check if there are resource issues, for example the additional displays can't get enabled due to a lack of free resources.

But this is a hardware issue, UltraMon can't help with this. Several users reported the same problem with Matrox cards, with only 10 of the 12 monitors getting recognized.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Matrox QID-LP PCI

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