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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 15 Monitors setup
Joel   2009-01-26 20:40

Sorry, my English is bad!

Nice program by the way, I'm working in a project and I need to install 14 monitors, one in each room for schedule of the day(conference rooms) and one for managing those 14, I will not see any of the 14 monitors, they are a little far. I need to prepare some schedule table(14) on excel and display it in each monitor but using just one monitor to send to others, this schedule need to be very user friendly because the person need to change any on it fast, in the schedule of each room just will be hours of use and who will use it. I will use 4 MATROX G200 MMS quad PCI cards but I don't have them yet. Will UltraMon work in this setup?

Again sorry in my english and Thank You for any help, If need more information I will try to explain better.

Christian Studer   2009-01-27 10:51
Will people in the conference rooms be able to edit the schedule via mouse/keyboard?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 15 Monitors setup

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