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Shane 2009-01-29 21:22
I have two Samsung Syncmaster 225bws connected to a 7900GS, both on DVI, but Ultamon only recognizes one monitor. Is it not recognizing the other because it's the same model? The setup I have works fine in the Nvidia nview, but it's no ultamon in terms of features.
Christian Studer 2009-01-30 09:46
Most likely you're using span or clone mode instead of Dualview mode, the setting can be changed via the Nvidia software.
In span mode, UltraMon would see a single wide monitor instead of two.
Christian Studer -
Bill 2009-03-06 02:03
Same issue for me, but I don't see "dual View" as an otion in the NVidia Panel, just Clone or Horizontal or Vertical Span. Is there a way around this?
Christian Studer 2009-03-06 02:40
If you're using a Quadro card, check if MultiView mode is enabled. If yes, disable it, you should then be able to select Dualview.
Christian Studer -
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