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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Weird black boxes running vertically at the left side of monitor 2 (HDTV)
Viktor   2009-02-01 22:48

I'm running XBMC on my second monitor (50" HDTV; 1280x720p). I've done the thing described in the XBMC-forums to get this application to run full-screen on SECOND monitor (wich mens installing this great app and do some setting in the UltraMon-properties of the XBMC-shortcut).

At first it looks good but there is a big black area on the left side so I wanted to move the "window" under the UltraMon-tab (shortcur poperties). When I did (changed position 1680 to 1620) XBMC covers the sceen nicely on the left. BUT there is about 10 black boxes going vertically in this area. It'sonly there when I use Ultramon to adjust the XBMC-app.

How can I get rid of thoose?

And there is also a black area on top (running all the way from left to right) that I can't get rid of. This is also only present when running XBMC via UltraMon.

Best Regards, Viktor
Christian Studer   2009-02-02 10:26
I'm not familiar with XBMC, but some applications may have a problem if their window gets resized by UltraMon, this depends on how the application handles a resize of its windows.

Christian Studer -
Viktor   2009-02-02 22:10
Well, the problem really occured when I tried to place the window on a custom position, a few pixels nearer the first screen. I guess the bars occured when I place the window on the border between the screens... Anyway, It works perfectly now when I let it be placed by default.

The only problem left now, I'm pretty shure is caused by XBMC so I'm gonna head over there.

Thanks for a great application!

Best Regards, Viktor
darrink1   2009-02-16 00:16
I had the same problem. I have a small LCD as my monitor 1, and an large HDMI TV as my monitor 2.
I changed the properties of the shortcut icon to open XBMC on monitor 2, but what happens is XBMC tries to open across both screens. I run XBMC in 1080i mode, but I normally run my monitor 2 in 720p mode (because the fonts get too small in 1080i), so I also changed the Ultramon properties of XBMC to change the monitor 2 resolution to 1080i. Now for the weird part. Sometimes it will come up correctly on monitor 2 and sometimes across both monitors. It must be because the full screen XBMC has a borderless window. Ultramon probably needs a revision to handle a borderless window app.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Weird black boxes running vertically at the left side of monitor 2 (HDTV)

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