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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> All icons disappear when switching
Chuck   2009-02-02 04:38
I have all my icons arranged on my big monitor, and saved in Ultramon. When I switch the primary to my small monitor, the icons move as they should. But when I switch back to the big monitor, the desktop is blank - no icons at all. "Restore" doesn't do anything.

Rebooting the PC restores everything back to normal.

Any ideas?
Chuck   2009-02-02 05:10
Forgot to mention I'm running XP, and this worked fine until yesterday - haven't made any configuration changes. The same problem happens when I use the Nvidia control panel to swap screens.
Christian Studer   2009-02-02 10:21
Do you only have a single monitor enabled at a time, either the big or small one?

Christian Studer -
Chuck   2009-02-03 02:11
I have 2 monitors attached both times, just switch which one is primary.
Christian Studer   2009-02-03 12:32
I'm not sure what would cause this, usually the icons don't get moved if you change the primary monitor, neither UltraMon nor Windows does this.

Do you have any other software installed which might move the icons? Maybe this is done by the Nvidia software.

Christian Studer -
Chuck   2009-02-04 00:50
Can I disable the nVidia software to test this? If so, any idea how?
Christian Studer   2009-02-04 11:02
There should be an option to disable the nView Desktop Manager in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> All icons disappear when switching

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