razor_hh 2009-02-03 22:50
Hi.. i've used the 3.04beta with Vista32bit. As i reformated my system to vista64 the extra buttons to move and strecht the window across the screens are gone. the checkbox in the optionsmenue are aktivated. does anyone has the same problem, or even better, a solution?
thanks in advance..
Christian Studer 2009-02-04 11:15
I'm not sure what would cause this, does this happen with all applications, for example also Internet Explorer?
The window buttons work fine for me with UltraMon 3.0.4 and 64-bit Vista.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Iftekhar 2009-02-07 00:20
I have same promblem with both aplication and internet explorer.
Christian Studer 2009-02-07 09:39
Which version of UltraMon are you using?
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com