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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> One monitor of four freezes
Wruf   2009-02-05 03:33
Periodically one monitor will freeze. Always the same one. The monitors are ordered as 1-2-3-4. #3 will freeze (maintains image, but will not update or allow actions) --- but, you can move the cursor from 1 across to 4 or back, with it not being visible on 3 but obviously taking the time to traverse it. Running Vista Business. The particular applications do not seem to matter (mostly MSOffice, IE, and Access based database program, and a SQL based audit program).

So you think you've got it wruf.
Christian Studer   2009-02-05 08:45
Sounds like a display driver issue, seems very unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon. I would recommend getting the latest drivers for the video card.

To verify that the issue isn't related to UltraMon, check if you still have the problem without UltraMon running or installed.

Christian Studer -
Don   2009-02-10 17:11
I have the same problem. Periodically one monitor will freeze and go blank. Always the same one. The monitors are ordered as 1-2-3-4. #3 will freeze and go blank (dose not maintain image and will not update or allow actions) --- but, you can move the cursor from 1 across to 4 or back, with it not being visible on 3 but obviously taking the time to traverse it. Running Windows XP SP2 Udates, not SP3. Dosen't matter what I'm doing or what application I'm running. Running nVidia with 1 GeForce FX 5500 and 2 FX 5200 with 93.71 drivers. Dosen't matter whether I run Windows driver or nVidia drivers while changing multiple settings.

Don   2009-02-10 17:33
OH! Running UltraMonitor v2.7.1.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> One monitor of four freezes

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