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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper positioned wrong
Jesse   2009-02-07 05:22

I installed UltraMon last night when I got a second monitor. This monitors primary funtion is for running movies or watching TV on my PVR card. The monitor is on the right side of my primary, however it is elivated about a foot above my main screen.

Naturally I adjusted for the height difference in Windows, and UltraMonDesktop noticed that change right away. When I set the two different screens their own wallpaper, the images aren't placed properly. The main monitor (lower on the left) has the background half way down the monitor. All that above it is white. The secondary monitor (higher on the right) also has the background half way down with white above it.

My first instinct was that this is because one monitor is set higher then the other. I went into the windows settings and changed it so both screens have even heights; the backgrounds worked perfect after that.

So my question is, is there a way I can fix this? Is it a Windows problem or UltraMon problem?

Thanks for the help.

Windows Vista
26" and 20" monitors, both by Samsung.
Jesse   2009-02-07 05:46
OP here,
I forgot to point out that it doesn't matter if I position the monitors with windows or with UltraMon display settings. Both give me the same effect.
Christian Studer   2009-02-07 09:49
This should work fine, make sure you're using the latest 3.0 beta, the wallpaper feature doesn't work correctly on Vista in version 2.

If you're already using 3.0.4, please post your display configuration, you can get it from UltraMon menu > About.

Christian Studer -
Jesse   2009-02-08 09:40
Ah you're right, I was using 2.7.
I upgraded and everything works great now, including the task bar which is keeping the modded theme for Vista I have!

Great release so far guys.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper positioned wrong

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