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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Detect TV if not on when computer boots?
Steve   2009-02-08 03:12
Here's my setup:

Monitor 1: Dell 17" CRT (connected via VGA)
Monitor 2: Samsung 32" HDTV (connected via DVI-to-HDMI)
Video card: BFG 7600 GT OC (driver version 178.24)
OS: Windows XP SP3

I use monitor 1 for general computer stuff and I switch over to monitor 2 to watch TV recordings from my TV tuner. I don't use them concurrently because they are 6 feet apart.

Here's the problem: If I turn on my computer without the TV being on, Windows will not see the TV. I have to turn on the TV and reboot my computer to use it. Ultramon has the same problem so it looks like my video card, the drivers, or Windows itself is to blame. Is there any way to get Windows to detect the TV without rebooting?

Ultramon is great, though. It lets me switch between the monitor modes with a click of a button so that alone has me strongly considering a purchase!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Detect TV if not on when computer boots?

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