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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon overlay and Adobe file invisible
JCH   2009-02-09 03:55
I have a CAD workstation with dual vid cards and 3 monitors. It is having two strange problems that are graphic related and I think may be related to Ultramon. First, there is a problem where some applications (apps that launch on the middle primary screen where the icons are) actually run underneath the desktop icons. If the application is dragged to another monitor and back, it sits on top properly. The second problem is related to Adobe reader pro. If opening a file, the application launches by default in the middle monitor. The contents of the file are missing/not showing. When Adobe is dragged to another monitor, everything shows up. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Jim
Christian Studer   2009-02-09 12:14
To check if the issue is related to UltraMon, try if you still have the problem without UltraMon running or installed.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon overlay and Adobe file invisible

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