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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon crashing when a window opens and is immediatly closed
Laurent Kempé   2009-02-10 23:13

Thanks for the version 3.0.4 that is much more stable for me than the older one.

Currently I have found a way to crash UltraMon when a Window is open and immediately closed.

I have some unit tests running started from Visual Studio which are opening very quick a set of shell window and almost immediately closing those. That's make UltraMon crash, then Visual Studio.

The code executed that are the root of the problem is the following:

var adminProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(GlobalAppConfig.GetDirCommandsDeployService() + command,

If I modify this by adding this property set:
adminProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

Then the windows aren't shown and UltraMon doesn't crash!

I guess it is the way that UltraMon attach to the Window that doesn't verify correctly if the window still exists.

Hope it helps!

Thanks for your great tool!
Laurent Kempé   2009-02-10 23:13
btw I forget to mention I am running Vista Ultimate 32bits
Christian Studer   2009-02-11 08:31
What's the error message you get?

Christian Studer -
Laurent Kempé   2009-02-11 18:26
None it is just a vista dialog showing that the process crashed and searching for a solution
Christian Studer   2009-02-12 09:42
Please save a crash dump when this happens the next time. To do this, don't close the error message, open Task Manager, select the Processes tab, then right-click UltraMon.exe and select Create Dump File from the menu.

Once you have the crash dump please contact me at, I will then send you a link to upload the crash dump to our server.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon crashing when a window opens and is immediatly closed

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