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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> recommendation for external vid card for laptop?
wrybread   2009-02-16 10:55
I need a 3rd monitor for a laptop. As I understand it, there are some PCMCIA video cards that would work... Does anyone have any experience with these? Do they work as well (or close) to desktop video cards?

Or are there any USB systems that could work? I need 1024x768, and the freedom to use a regular external monitor.

I won't be using the 3rd display for gaming or anything intensive like that, just displaying a flash applet with light animation.

Thanks for any help.
ECarlson   2009-02-17 11:00
There are many USB video adapters on the market now. Most are well under $100.

- Eric,
Christian Studer   2009-02-17 11:04
PCMCIA video cards always worked fine for me, performance should be similar to a regular video card, probably not ideal for 3D graphics though.

A USB video card should also be fine, but this will use some processor resources, and the one I tested recently (from Village Tronic) was very slow with 3D graphics.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> recommendation for external vid card for laptop?

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