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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> cant find the third...
Paw   2009-02-21 11:53
i have a laptop. it has an S-video, connected to pc and functioning. i also have a monitor, that is also working. thing is... I can't get them both to work with my laptop monitor! i've looked everywhere! the device manager knows they are both there, but ultramon can't see it! i AM using vista, but i hope thats not it... thank you.
ecarlson   2009-02-22 05:33
Most (if not all) laptops can only directly run 2 different video outputs at once. You'll need another video card (PCMCIA, USB, etc.), or something like Maxivista plus a display PC to have more than 2 simultaneous different displays from a laptop.

- Eric,
Paw   2009-02-23 12:42
i really... dont have 30 bucks to spend on this, as i've paid that much in cables. so i would need a PCP something or other?
ECarlson   2009-02-24 13:29
If you want 3 simultaneous different displays without using software and a second PC, you'll have to buy another video output device. Probably USB is the cheapest, but not necessarily the highest performance, and definitely more than $30: probably closer to $50 at the low end. PCMCIA/Cardbus video cards are usually over $100.

There might be some free software out there if you already have a second PC, but I don't know what it is.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2009-02-24 13:32
And, what cables did you spend $30 on?

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> cant find the third...

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