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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors = no TV tuner?
Nicolas Bello   2001-12-12 13:16
Hi there,
my setup is as follows:

Asus A7A266 w/BIOS 1009 and AGP drivers 1.82
Windows XP Pro
ATI AIW Radeon AGP w/3276 drivers (set as primary in BIOS and Windows)
ATI Xpert 128 PCI w/3279 drivers (set as secondary in BIOS and Windows)
MMC 7.5

With dual monitors enabled I can watch DVDs and TV shows that I've recorded with the AIW. However, I lose TV tuner functionality. I get the sound coming through fine but there is no picture. If I disable the 2nd monitor (w/the Xpert card), the TV picture appears again.

Is is possible that the TV tuner is trying to access the Xpert card by mistake? That wouldn't explain why I can still get TV sound coming through? The main reason I set up dual monitors was to watch TV on one and do computer stuff on the other so I really need this to work. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Christian Studer   2001-12-18 11:20
The TV tuner should at least work on the primary monitor, but video cards with TV tuners usually don't support watching TV on secondary monitors.

Christian Studer -
Brendin   2001-12-28 10:30

I have the same problem with my ATI Radeon 8500DV All in Wonder. I have two xpert 128 cards and have to disable them both to watch tv or capture video. When I was running my matrox marvel g400 tv I could watch tv on the primary and capture video with the scondary xpert 128's enabled. Looks like a driver issue. I bet if we had non ati secondary cards we wouldn't have to disable them to watch tv.

Brendin   2001-12-28 10:51
Should also be noted thats what prompted me to buy the ultramon utility today. This allows me to quickly enable and disable secondary monitors
Stevenrt   2001-12-30 08:40
I have a similar problem.
My setup:
Soyo dragon + mobo
Vid card #1 ATI All in wonder 8500 AGP
#2 ATI Radeon 32mb PCI
Athlon XP
Running Win XP Pro

I can get both cards to work and run a multiple monitor system. However, unless I disable the PCI card and reboot, I am unable to properly run any of the all in wonder programs (tv, dvd) without the computer freezing up. If someone really thinks that this might be happening because of conflicts between the 2 ATI cards, I could be tempted to get a non-ATI as my secondary if it will solve this problem.

Also, on a side note, I have to say I am not impressed with the tv/dvd playback quality of ATI's programs. My 4 year old dell laptop has better playback quality. There must be something wrong. Anyone have any ideas?

Stevenrt   2002-01-04 09:04
Just replaced my secondary vid card (ATI RAdeon 32mb) with an Xtasy geforce 2. I'm glad to say that it solved the tv viewing problem. I can now watch tv via the ATI all in wonder card on my primary display without having to disable the secondary display. Apparently, having two ATI cards was causing some kind of conflict.
Brendin   2002-01-04 14:12
I wonder why the ati drivers do this... now I will have to replace my two secondary ati xpert 128's with non-ati cards. How much was that xtasy card?
Stevenrt   2002-01-05 17:29
The xtasy PCI card was $99, although I think its nicer than the ATI card I was using. This has 64megs while the ATI had 32.
UncleGoody   2002-02-06 09:13
Be careful!

Were you using XP?

I have a AIW Radeon & nVidia TNT2 PCI.
This combination worked fine under ME but not with XP (TV tuner) even with the 6025 drivers!!!!
Any solution most welcome......
Bionic Antboy   2002-02-08 04:45
I think it's more common to screw up when using 2 ATI cards. It probably has to do with their drivers, which ATI isn't renowned for :)

Bionic Antboy
Daniel   2002-02-11 05:08
No problem with ATI RADEON LE, ATI MACH64 and ATI TV Wonder but I thought additional TV tuner cards would be able watch TV on the second monitor?
Glen   2002-02-11 18:22
I'm having the same problem with an ATI AIW AGP and a Voodoo3 PCI card. Works great under W2K, but no TV tuner with both monitors enabled under Win XP.
Sebae7   2002-02-12 04:17
I have a dual boot system with Win98se and XP Pro
ATI all in wonder as primary and rage 128 as secondary. In 98se I can launch the TV tuner with the secondary monitor enabled. In XP I have to disable the second monitor to watch TV. So it seems to be a problem only in XP. Worked fine with ME also.

Would love a solution to this.
Brett   2002-02-15 12:17
An AIW Radeon with 2 Xpert 128's works fine for me in Win2000, but I have two useless Radeon PCI boards that make the system unstable.
widefault   2002-02-18 12:52
Here's what I've experienced.

AGP card is an AIW Radeon, Abit ST6 Intel i815 chipset board, all running under Windows XP.

With a PCI Matrox G200, TV Tuner works properly with G200 enabled or disabled.

With a PCI Matrox G450, TV Tuner works properly with the 2nd output enabled or disabled, and with the 1st output disabled. TV Tuner returns an error if I try to run it with the 1st output enabled. If I disable the 1st output and start the tuner I can re-enable the 1st output without issue about 70% of the time. The rest of the time the picture goes black/distorted.

With a PCI Millenium II, TV Tuner runs only if it's disabled, but I can disable the Millenium II, start the tuner, then reenable the Millenium II without issue.

With a PCI Appian Jeronimo J2, similar to the Millenium II but with the added quirks of the J2. Definitely a card that likes to be the only one in the system.
Joseph Demarest   2002-02-21 23:44
This doesn't have to do with dual monitors.. but I'm frustrated to no end with ATi...

I have their AIW 8500DV card w/ latest drivers
asus a7a266 v1.09 agp 1.82

the system hangs in windows before the desktop even shows..

I phoned ati because their website support is all praising.. and they are aware of that problem with the Alimagik1 chipset incompatibility, no solutions.. has anyone with the same setup found any solutions?

Barton   2002-02-24 02:24
I went through this same issue when I upgrade to WinXP Pro. I had a ATI AIW Radeon AGP and an ATI XpertLCD running dual LCD Flatpanels.

Here's the problem. The Rage Pro drivers, which seem to be the default drivers for the Mach64 and the Xpert Series cards, do not support open GL in XP. That may not have anything to do with multiple monitors, but it sure screwed up my plans for watching DVD, TV, recording MPEG2, etc.

After many headaches, and a suggestion from Christian, I'm now running my ATI AIW-Radeon AGP with a nVidia GeForce2 MX200 PCI based card as my secondary. One interesting fact was that my BIOS defaulted to the AGP as primary. I changed it to the PCI card, re-booted and then changed it back to AGP and re-booted again. In the display properties, I have the AIW as the primary and the nVidia as secondary. All functions of the AIW now work, including DVD/TV and MPEG recording, on the primary monitor.

As I learned from Christian, you should probably visit the Windows Hardware Compatability List in Microsoft's website. It's located at:

Look under "Display" and search for your display hardware. If it's not certified for WinXp, I'd pick another card. And for god's sake, don't use two ATI cards. You will almost always have some sort of weird conflict doing that.
hpn   2002-02-25 04:48
I have an ATI Radeon 8500 running under Win 2000, but I get problems when I want to use the tuner. I have to disable the secondary display, or else the ATI tuner appliciaton complains that the "driver is in use" (something like that). With the latest drivers for W2K (6014), both monitors run OpenGL applications well, a big difference from the last 8500 release. But now there's something new with the behaviour of the tuner -- If I CLONE the second monitor, the TV image appears as full screen (on the secondary display), regardless of its size on the primary display. I can run OpenGL applications on the primary monitor at the same time.

That only happens under W2K. Under Win XP with 6015 (release drivers, not the unstable 6025 beta), this setup crashes periodically -- seems to be regardless of which monitor the TV tuner opens up on, (or disabling AGP 4X and playing with the BIOS etc). What a pain.

Under both operating systems, I cannot access the "resources" screen in the device hardware config for the ATI Video capture WDM. The problem seems to be a conflict. Any ideas for a fix for these lockups?


[I am replacing an ATI AIW Radeon + GeForce2MX setup, the 8500 is alot faster, but I'm really beginning miss the stability of my old setup.]
Chuck   2002-03-03 08:12
I use the Radeon 7000/Radeon VE (display Adapter) with a 19" CRT & a 15" LCD. Without Multimon in stalled I have totally different setups on each monitor and can move my TV at will to each monitor and run my video cam in another window at the same time. With Multimon al of this is even better. Consider looking a the Radeon 7000 VE for windows XP. I'm vary satisfied.

vgoklani   2002-03-09 02:46

I have a Matrox G400 + Rainbow Runner G series (with TV tuner).

I can watch TV on both monitors, just by dragging the window across the screen. And in certain cases, I can also watch DVDs on both screens. I have read somewhere that the G400 originally had dual overlays, something that the ATI garbage lacked!

Dan Brennan   2002-04-14 00:38
I am running an ATI All in Wonder Pro PCI (8 meg) as my primary display, a TNT2 (Maxi Gamer Cougar) and the intel onboard video display as my other two, and i'm having the same problem, disable my other two monitors and the tuner works fine, have any more than just the primary monitor enabled and I get sound, but no picture. I'm wondering if this is just a software problem or if i'm going to have to go a buy a new card...the second alternative is not a favorable one being that i'm horably cheap! Any help would be appreciated.

Dan Brennan
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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors = no TV tuner?

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