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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon flipping taskbar to the right?
Patrick   2009-03-05 13:26
I have 3 screens, with the center screen being my main. how do I align all the items on the taskbar to the right?

Right now everything is aligned to the left the standard windows way. but with a 3 screen setup its easier on the eye if you dont have to look all the way to the left for a item on the taskbar.
Christian Studer   2009-03-06 02:55
Currently that's not supported, will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Patrick   2009-03-06 04:15
thanks. any idea how to do this though?
Christian Studer   2009-03-06 09:06
There's no way to do this with the current version of UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon flipping taskbar to the right?

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