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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Video Saver (omitting monitors).
LittleScooby   2009-03-06 17:50
Is this possible? For instance. You have 4 monitors but you only want video saver to play a stretched video on 3 of them and on the 4th one you just want to display PC statistics, wallpaper, etc. with no video playing on it. Just curious. thanks
Christian Studer   2009-03-07 08:33
Unfortunately that's not possible, VideoSaver will always use all enabled monitors.

Christian Studer -
LittleScooby   2009-04-01 16:02
Is VideoSaver still in update mode? I mean, will there be future update for it or will it stay at current version\revision for quite a while? just curious.
Christian Studer   2009-04-02 09:25
Currently there are no plans for a new VideoSaver release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Video Saver (omitting monitors).

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