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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Have application on second monitor always up
dcitir   2009-03-07 01:12
Is there a way to get an application on monitor 2 always to be up while still working on monitor 1?
Christian Studer   2009-03-07 08:40
In general this will work fine, but some fullscreen applications don't support this, for example PowerPoint slideshows will pause if they don't have the focus.

Christian Studer -
dcitdir   2009-03-08 05:23
Everytime I am working on monitor 1, the application on monitor 2 will not stay active. Do you know where the setting is?
Christian Studer   2009-03-08 11:09
This would need to be supported by the application. For PowerPoint there is a plugin which adds support for this: PowerShow

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Have application on second monitor always up

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