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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, configuration options
clay   2009-03-09 18:49
I have two LCD Pannels, and 1 projector setup in a confrence room. (LCD, Projector, LCD) I have a Matrox M9140 LP x16. Each displayed running in 1080p. I am looking to Have multiple options for users, hopefully using ultramon for easy switching.

So far I can get them to:
clone all
Streched/extended mode

I am having issues slecting the middle monitor as a main, I change the settings but it dosn't seem to change it.

I also want to make the center/projector the main and extend to one display and have the other one clone it.

This might be a tall order, but I'll take the help I can get.
Christian Studer   2009-03-10 13:21
I don't know why changing the primary monitor wouldn't work, but using UltraMon to clone only a single display will work fine, but you should test if performance is sufficient for your needs, UltraMon does cloning/mirroring in software.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, configuration options

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