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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Primary monitor switch with smart taskbar
Antti   2009-03-15 07:45

I'm using 3 monitors with 2 display adapters. I'd like to address a problem when switching the primary monitor when you are using smart taskbar. The problem is that the displays are numbered 1,2,3 and that doesn't change when I change the primary monitor, ie. before 1*,2,3 after 1,2*,3 (primary monitor marked with *). So the smart taskbar configuration doest change when I change the primary monitor. Because after I change primary monitor from 1 to 2, there are 2 taskbars stacked on top of each others and monitor 1 doesn't have any taskbars. In my opinion the best way to fix this would be adding an option to change the taskbar setting in the same profile as the display settings so that When I use my remote to change between my main monitor and lcd TV, the taskbars would stay as they were.

Thank You
Antti   2009-03-16 00:11
Never mind...tested the newest beta and it works properly now.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Primary monitor switch with smart taskbar

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