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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Custom Window Settings delayed several seconds
Kelly B   2009-03-16 10:28

I'm using UltraMon with Citrix to make sure an application always opens in the top-left corner of the screen. This is what happens:

1 - I launch the application via shortcut the UltraMon shortcut.

2 - The application's security app starts and asks for my username and password

3 - I enter my username and password and hit enter.

4 - The app's main window appears in the location I closed it at last time.

5 - After 8-10 seconds, the main window is moved to the coordinates I specified in UltraMon.

Why is there a delay before moving the window and is there any way to fix it?

Kelly B   2009-03-16 10:32
Just a couple notes:

1 - This happens whether I am using Citrix, Terminal Services, or logged into the Server's console connection.

2 - Tried restarting after install - didn't help.
Christian Studer   2009-03-16 11:48
There's probably no fix for this, but if you have a download link for the application I'll give it a try on my system.

Most likely what happens is that UltraMon isn't sure if this is the main application window instead of a splash screen, and so waits a bit to see if another window gets created. If that's not the case, it will then move the window.

Christian Studer -
Kelly B   2009-03-16 12:37
The application is part of the Cerner Millennium packaged ( and isn't freely available. I figured it had something to do with the security portion - which is a separate application. I'll keep fiddling with it and let you know if I find a workaround.
Christian Studer   2009-03-17 10:28
One thing you could try is to set the Show option to Last Used Position, this works differently from the other options.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Custom Window Settings delayed several seconds

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