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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Global option to always launch applications on CURRENT monitor?
traycerb   2009-03-17 03:38
I like my apps to always open on the currently active monitor and am wondering if there is some global way to do this.

Ultramon allows you to do this for shortcuts (right click -> Ultramon Window -> On monitor -> Monitor with mouse), but I'd like to do it for all apps automatically.

Have a Radeon setup and thought maybe disabling the "Application position memory" in Hydravision would work but no luck.

Can any app/settings accomplish this? From what I understand, "correctly"-programmed Windows apps will individually remember their last monitor position, so I can see how coding this would be hard.
Christian Studer   2009-03-17 10:37
UltraMon currently doesn't support this, will be considered for a future release.

As far as I know Nvidia used to have this feature.

Christian Studer -
John M   2009-03-20 02:41
Really. It's a real PITA having new windows ALWAYS open on the secondary monitor.

What's up with that??

John M
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Global option to always launch applications on CURRENT monitor?

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