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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problems Running 2 mon with IE
Vince   2001-12-17 04:26
I am using a geforce 3 8200 deluxe, and a geforce 2 mx400 running under winxp pro. I am having problems running internet explorer. IE loads fine, my internet connects but for some reson when I go to a web page it starts to load then it refreshes automatically with a 404 page not found error. I have installed the latest nvidia drivers but it doesn't seem to do anything.

I know it has something to do with running multi cards/monitors, because when I disable the second video card IE works fine and I can browse normally. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Vince   2001-12-17 04:28
By the way this error occurs on both monitors, even if nothing is running on the secondary. Also sometimes when I go in and try and change the settings for the card I get a BLUE screen, which requires pressing the power button on the computer, or the reset button, ctrl alt del soesn't work. So much for winxp doing away with blue screens and complete system lockup!
Christian Studer   2001-12-18 11:08
The blue screen sounds like a problem with the display driver, try using the default Windows XP drivers for both cards.

Regarding the IE problem: seems unlikely that it is related to the display driver issue, do you have any browser add-ins installed?

Christian Studer -
Vince   2001-12-21 10:50
No addins that I know of. It has to be something to do with running dual monitors, because when I disable the second card, and reboot I can Browse fine. This is a major problem because I want the extra work space as well as the diff resolutions for designing web pages, and I need to be able to surf the net at the same time.

I am running 1280X1024 on a 19" and 800X600 on a 15". It's a real pain to have to reboot everytime I wish to use the second monitor, then disable the second card and reboot again if I need to browse the internet.

Any Ideas???
Dan   2001-12-27 21:38
The page loads, (so that you actually see it there in front of your face) and then refreshes with a 404 as the result?

Dan   2001-12-27 21:42
After reading your post again I read it more acuratley. Just out of curiousity, are you using DSL/CABLE with a NIC? Or are you Dial-UP? And with the second montior enabled, is that the only internet feature that is crippled? Examples, "FTP/AIM/ICQ/IRC"

It's sounds like perhaps, the second monitor being enabled is stealing resources from either a NIC/Modem or virtual device driver that is being used to access the internet. If you decided that this might be the case you could try to reserve resources for your Nic/Modem or possibly adjusted the resources your display adapter is using..

Let us know what you come up with.

Good luck,

Vince   2001-12-29 16:02
Dan I am using Cable internet via a NIC. My computer faily powerful I don't see how it would be stealing resources.. Dual P3 933 768 mb mem should be enough to share around for IE shouldn't it! But as I am getting more familiar with XP I see it does allocate system resources poorly, so you might be right, it may have something to do with xp assigning more resources to my second PCI video card and somehow disabling or restricting use of Primary NIC used for Internet. Good Idea!

Thanks Heaps, I will look into it!
Vince   2001-12-29 16:05
By the way, how do you reserve resources for the NIC or other hardware with XP?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problems Running 2 mon with IE

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