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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor wallpaper
brandon   2009-03-18 07:48
i'm unable to get my wall paper to span both monitors i dont know if it is a problem with the nvidia control panel setting s (have tried with it off and on) or ultramon (running version 3.02)

the wallpaper duplicates itself on both monitors no matter what i do. I've tried playing with both nvidia and ultramon settings

help please!@!!
Christian Studer   2009-03-18 12:10
Is the wallpaper spanned correctly across both monitors when you preview it via UltraMon menu > Wallpaper?

Christian Studer -
brandon   2009-03-18 12:59
yes in the preview inside of ultramon it looks correct - spanned on both monitors.
Christian Studer   2009-03-19 11:30
If you go to Display Properties > Desktop, is the UltraMon wallpaper selected as the active wallpaper, and is Position set to Tile?

Christian Studer -
brandon   2009-03-20 07:33
yes it is the windows display properties has ultramon wallpaper selected and position is set to tile. in ultramon (the preview looks good) the style is set to stretch. I tried center, tile and stretch inside the windows, desktop display properties. if moves the wallpaper around but it never spans it like it should and this is a dual monitor wallpaper. (i've tried serveral)

Christian Studer   2009-03-20 09:54
Looks like everything should work fine, do you have any desktop/shell enhancement application installed which might interfere with this?

Christian Studer -
brandon   2009-03-20 23:39
nothing elses (but fences i don't think that would interfere) installed and i've noticed on boot up it comes up fine then messes up ...i think when nivida start up...tried to disable the desktop enhancements but not having much luck.
Christian Studer   2009-03-21 12:07
Try if disabling the nView Desktop Manager fixes the problem, you can do this via the Nvidia control panel.

Christian Studer -
brandon   2009-03-21 23:34
i will, will have to do it tomorrow. will let you know. i have ultramon set to streth the wallpaper windows has the ultramon wallpaper selected should it be set to tile? thanks
Christian Studer   2009-03-22 14:08
Tile needs to be selected under Display Properties > Desktop, but UltraMon will select this automatically when you apply the wallpaper.

Christian Studer -
brandon   2009-03-23 05:47
i have tile selected under windows (or ultramon did if for me) i right clicked on my nvidia setting icon in tray went to nview desktop manager and chose disable but that didn't seem to help. enabled it played with those setting still didn't get it. going onto nvidia site to see if any info or an upgrade to their drivers...
zombiefly   2009-05-14 20:08
aha! i've found the cause of the problem. It's fences. Uninstall it, re-select your ultramon wallpaper and hey presto, it's all back as it was.
Pete   2009-07-07 01:25
I am having the same problem but I dont want to give up fences. I have dual monitors running on a dell laptop at work and I like to keep my work ultra organized. Hence trying ultramon to rock the dual task bar and fences to keep my desktop clean.

Has anyone found a workaround for the fences issues. I would like to have DIFFERENT wallpapers on each monitor instead of one wallpaper stretched.

If anyone has any tips for that I would be in your debt.

Christian Studer   2009-07-07 11:13
Updating Fences will fix the issue, the problem was fixed in a recent update (I don't remember the exact version number).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor wallpaper

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