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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Task Bar
Ronak Desai   2009-03-18 12:07
Hey, is their a way to stop the UltraMon taskbar to keep refreshing because it switches the order my applications are in.
Christian Studer   2009-03-18 12:12
When does this happen (for example when changing display settings, etc)?

Christian Studer -
Ronak Desai   2009-03-18 12:15
When I come back from a screensaver or go to switch users and log back in.
Ronak Desai   2009-03-18 13:07
Any idea why this is happening?
Christian Studer   2009-03-19 11:04
So far I've only been able to reproduce the issue when changing display settings, maybe your screen saver causes a display change as well.

This happens because UltraMon updates the taskbar configuration in response to a display change, I'll see if this can be changed so that the task order is preserved.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Task Bar

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