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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Question about video saver, ultramon and different size screens
justin   2009-03-20 07:00
Ok well I would love to be able to use video saver as I have a very neat halloween video that would look cool on 2 monitors.

but I have questions lol.

it works with ultramon right? I will only have 1 video but want it strechted bewteen the two monitors, I also use ultramon for extended taskbars and other nice features.

Will videosaver be able to strech the video between the 2 screens even though they are different sizes/resolutions.(one is a 20" at 1680x1050 other is 22" 1920x1080). If it can is it going to look normal? I dont want the image to be squished/different sizes on 1 side compared to the other.

Is it possible to play two different videos at once on each seperate screen?
justin   2009-03-20 07:01
oops no edit, when I say play a seperate video, I eman I want it to display 1 video twice, once on each screen, I dont want to play 2 different videos
Christian Studer   2009-03-20 09:59
VideoSaver has built-in multi-monitor support, to run it via UltraMon's screen saver manager only assign it to the primary monitor, with no screen saver assigned to the secondary monitor, and make sure the 'preview mode' option isn't checked for the primary monitor.

Different resolutions are no problem, and VideoSaver can either stretch the video across all monitors, or play an instance of the same video on each monitor.

Performance and image quality might be an issue when stretching the video across both monitors, I would recommend giving this a try yourself with the trial version of VideoSaver.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Question about video saver, ultramon and different size screens

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