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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Hoping on miricles
Jasper van Weerd   2009-03-20 12:01
My case;

Second screen (2) has Tweetdeck and Google Chroome opened. Now on shutdown I have set that both windows may minimize to the system tray on closing. But since I am working on screen 2, I have to go to screen 1 in the system tray to reopen one of both (since I dont work both at the same time). It would be great if I could have a second system tray on the second (2) screen. Then the applications from screen 2 would minimize to the systemtray in screen 2, and restore from screen 2.

The only thing I have found with google is a patent in the US about it. But thats all... So I cant find a program that it can, if Ultramon would have it, it would be a great plus.

Christian Studer   2009-03-21 11:45
UltraMon can't do this, but support for this will be considered for a future release. Not sure if this is actually possible though.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Hoping on miricles

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