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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> VB6 and PowerPoint
Jacob   2009-03-23 23:01
I develop an application (still VB6, but it will be .NET in future) that show text on the second monitor (or beamer/video projector). There's no problem in that.
Now I would like to show a PowerPoint presentation on the second monitor. PP 2003 and up will keep settings, when once set to show a presentation on monitor 2, but earlier version won't.
So, would UltraMon be a solution to put those presentations on the second monitor?
Or is there an easier way?
I have VB6 code (just move the screen (hdC) to screen 2 coordinates) that works when using two monitors/screens with the same resolution, but when using e.g. monitor 1 with 1280x800 and monitor 2 with 1024x768, monitor 2 overlaps on monitor 1.
I'm thinking of the following:
* create a window on monitor 2
* start the PP presentation within that window (I have code to do that)
* maximize the window on monitor 2
Is this possible, anyone has any VB6 code as an example?
And last but not least: do I need UltaMon here?

Kind regards,
Christian Studer   2009-03-24 11:28
It's worth a try, but you may have the same problem when moving the slideshow via UltraMon, some applications restrict how their windows can be sized/moved.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> VB6 and PowerPoint

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