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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display - same desktop - 16:9/portrait, HDTV/landscape
Ted Bensinger   2009-03-29 08:09
I would like to display a weather site on a 16:9 LCD monitor in portrait mode (primary monitor), and also display the same material on an HDTV [using the VGA input] in landscape mode (secondary monitor).

I am have an NVidia dual output VGA video PCI card GeForce FX5200 (OS=> WindowsXP) with the nVidia Control panel When I set for "Individual monitor controls", the primary display csn be rotated and viewed as desired, however the secondary display seems to then show an extended desktop of the primary monitor => blue screen. If I set up for "Clone" mode, the secondary monitor shows the desired desktop but is 90 degrees rotated (the exact same mode as the primary display) - I cannot find a solution to independantly rotate the secondary monitor display desktop.

The application is to display weather information full time in portrait mode on the primary monitor(mounting the LCD monitor "on-end", rotating the display so that it looks like a legal page display). Should a worrisome weather display come up, it is desired to also display the same desktop on the HDTV(secondary monitor)... which will be in landscape mode. This will almost certainly result in only the top portion of the primary desktop display to show on the HDTV - but that's OK - the important weather information is at the top of the page for the URLs of interest.

I apologize if the topic has been previously covered - my look through the earlier postings found similar questions.... but seemingly not exactly like this one... using different aspect ratio displays, needing individual control of screen rotation (and, hopefully, screen resolutions) showing the same desktop.

Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this desired dual display configuration will be appreciated.

... Ted
Christian Studer   2009-03-29 11:18
This should work fine with UltraMon mirroring, with the option to only mirror a part of the desktop selected (this is only available in version 3). Performance might be an issue though, I would recommend giving it a try with the trial version.

Christian Studer -
Ted Bensinger   2009-03-29 12:07
Is Version 3 available for trial download?

MultiMon does look promising from what I can discern from the Overview and Features tour. From the description of Mirroring, it appears one can select a portion of the primary display which would be presented on the secondary display - this might work. Perhaps this is the easy solution.

Of additional interest, will MultiMon allow pivoting the secondary display independent of the orientation of the primary display? (Still thinking about the fact that the primary is 16:9 rotated to portrait mode, and the secondary is the 16:9 HDTV in landscape mode.)

Many thanks for your time and consideration.

... Ted (w/corrected e-mail address)
Ted Bensinger   2009-03-30 04:07
UltraMon 3.0.4 Beta works as advertised. The combination of the nVidia 'Control Panel' and 'UltraMon' Mirror function gives the desired results, just as you suggested. It took only a little while to get the feel of the program. Some settings do have a performance impact, some do not. Bravo - a great software package!

Can the Mirror shortcut be opened from the Command Line with a "/x" switch such that the Mirror function starts with the last Mirror configuration without going through the GUI dialog box sequence? (My thought is to make a batch file which will be placed in the "All Users" Startup folder so that the Mirror starts automatically at the last set configuration.)

Would you prefer to continue this via e-mail?

Good work! Many thanks.

... Ted
Christian Studer   2009-03-30 09:31
You can do this with the /start switch:

UMMirrorClient.exe /start lastmode

UltraMon can't change the display orientation, but you should be able to do this via the software you use to rotate the display (video card driver or software like Pivot Pro).

Christian Studer -
Ted Bensinger   2009-03-30 13:22
Wonderful suggestion. It now works at Startup without system user intervention. Thank you very much for all your assistance.

... Ted
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display - same desktop - 16:9/portrait, HDTV/landscape

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