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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icons and Open Windows Automatically Move to Secondary Monitor
jeff l   2009-04-02 07:57
The problem: If I turn on my secondary monitor, _all_ of the windows and icons on my primary desktop automatically move over to the secondary monitor. If I turn the secondary monitor off, the windows and icons remain on the now off-line secondary monitor. The only way to get the icons and windows back is to turn on the secondary monitor and manually drag them back.

This is a problem occurs with great frequency because my secondary monitor does double-duty: it is physically cabled to another computer that I switch back and forth from. With every switch, I lose all my windows and icons from my primary monitor!

How can I stop this automatic migration?

Help, please!

Windows Vista x64
Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M
Two Dell 24" LCDs: 2408WFP
UltraMon v3.0.4 Beta

Output from UltraMon (on About screen)
2 monitors, 1 disabled
Current desktop: 1920x1200 (0,0 - 1920,1200)

Monitor 1 - Dell 2408WFP(Digital) (primary):
Settings: 1920x1200, 32-bit color, 59 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1200. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1140
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - Default Monitor (disabled):
Settings: 1920x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1200
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2

Christian Studer   2009-04-02 09:56
I'm not sure what would cause this, but it's unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon. To verify this, check if you still have the problem without UltraMon running or installed, you can disable/enable monitors via Control Panel > Personalization > Display Settings.

Usually applications and icons get moved to the primary monitor when you disable the secondary, but remain on the primary when you re-enable the secondary.

Christian Studer -
BW   2009-04-13 03:06
I have this same problem. I have tried everything to fix it. My only solution is to uninstall UltramMon to get the icons back on to my primary monitor. Then reinstall Ultramon. Not very handy.

For me it seems to happen when Explorer.exe redraws everything. For example, when you are trying to open a folder and Windows gives you the "Not Responding" message on that folder. If you go into Task Manager-Applications and End Task that window that was Not Responding, Explorer will redraw everything. Occasionally it will move all the icons over to my secondary monitor.

I thought I'd reply since I have to do this PIA process again. I don't see any help in the forums.
BW   2009-04-13 05:14
Here are the steps I used resolve the issue of having all the icons on the secondary monitor and not being able to get them back on the primary monitor:

uninstall 2.7.1_en_x32 version, reboot, disable secondary monitor with icons on it, icons pop back to primary, reboot, re-enable previously disabled secondary monitor, icons stay on primary monitor, reboot, install 3.0.4_en_x32 and hope for better luck.
jeff l   2009-04-16 02:38
Thanks for the reply, Christian. I think you're right, as I've now seen weirdness when Ultramon is not running. Maybe I am having an intermittent hardware glitch with my docking station (I am running a Dell Latitude E6500).

Or maybe I am seeing two different, unrelated symptoms since BW seems to be experiencing a similar issue.

I'll post a follow up when I find out.
jeff l   2009-05-11 07:29
Confirmed: the Dell Latitude E6500 laptop/docking station hardware was at fault, not UltraMon.

Christian Studer   2009-05-11 08:57
Thanks for the update.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Icons and Open Windows Automatically Move to Secondary Monitor

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