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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors
bobbybobbertson   2001-12-19 07:27
I have 3 screens that I am using on windows 2k. When I open programs, they seem to open on random screens. When using internet explorrer, if a pop up window comes up, it sometimes comes up on a different monitor from where the parent window is.
Does windows offer any control over these effects? If so, where?
Mats Borg   2001-12-25 05:35
I dont have a solution, just a comment.. On all multimon systems Ive built so far (with win2k) the programs pop up on the last monitor the program was used on. If I have IE on monitor 1 and closes it then the next time I opens IE it will pop up on monitor 1. It is even remembered after reboots.
j6   2002-01-04 01:52
Go on line and look for a program called Z-Mover. It will configure Your window to popup wherever You select for them to come up
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors

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