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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Finding Outlook using Window.Find
Andreas   2009-04-05 22:19

I am able to find my Outlook window using Window.Find() with the class "rctrl_renwnd32" or the name "*Microsoft Outlook".
However, if there is a new e-mail window opened at the same time as the main window, I'll always get the main window. Even Window.GetAppMainWindow() doesn't help here.

Any ideas how I would be able to grab the main window only?

Thank you,
Andreas   2009-04-06 10:27
Ah, I think I discovered my error here. By using Window.GetAppMainWindow() I apparently got another window than I wanted. Just using Window.Find resolved the issue.

Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Finding Outlook using Window.Find

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