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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon - Main LCD Landscape + Mirror to LCD portrait view
Dave Clee   2009-04-13 15:35
Well I have seen a few forms of this questions but nothing that answers me directly. Here is the setup. I am a photographer and in my studio
I run a tethered setup, so when I shoot a photo it automatically shows up on my 37" LCD in horizontal mode. I shoot alot in portrait mode, but its fine on the LCD tv b/c of its size.

Now I want to mount a 23" LCD in the posing area that will be mounted vertically to show the photo as it appears.

So far I have tried Ultramon and cant get it to work.

I am running running NVDIA chipset on IBM t61 notebook.

So I need to mirror the output of the bigger tv and have it show up rotated on the smaller LCD.

I have set my primary monitor to the 37"lcd. Tried mirror monitor, that mirrors it fine but when I use the Nvidia CP to rotate 90 degrees, it doesnt display 100 percent of screen. I have tried all of hte mirror options and still no go.

Any ideas ??


Christian Studer   2009-04-14 09:39
If you have UltraMon 3.0.3 or later installed, you could do what you want by selecting the option to mirror only part of the desktop, then select the area occupied by portrait images on the main (landscape) monitor.

If the image should fill the portrait monitor, you may need to select the 'stretch mirror image' option.

Christian Studer -
Dave Clee   2009-04-14 10:08
Thanks for the reply. I had tried the stretch option with the select part of desktop function and it still doesnt meet my needs. Here's why.

During a studio session most of my frames are shot in portrait mode. The stretch option seems to distort the image and also leaves about a 3 inch border of unused space at the top and bottom of screen.

The other deal breaker, is that during a studio session I will also take landscape oriented photos. Not alot but some. Of course if I only selected the part of the screen option, now I am losing a fair bit of the landscape shot.
If I take a landscape shot, select part of desktop, then the portrait shots are tiny b/c of the unused border that was selected in landscape mode.
I cant believe how difficult this is to accomplish !! I thought it would be easy to mirror a desktop and have one landscape and one portrait. I guess not.


Christian Studer   2009-04-15 14:29
I don't see a solution for using the portrait monitor to view both landscape and portrait pictures at ideal size, this would probably require a slideshow application with special support for this.

What you could do with UltraMon mirroring is to view landscape pictures on the landscape monitor, and portrait pictures on the portrait monitor, even though the slideshow application always runs on the landscape monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon - Main LCD Landscape + Mirror to LCD portrait view

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