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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Good font/icon settings for 30" at 2560x1600
1000   2009-04-16 20:07
Hi all.

I've had my 30" DELL for years now and have always run the standard windowsXP fonts, icons etc.

I have found over the last 6 months that my eyesight has started to deteriorate a bit. As a result I am trying to increase the standard font sizes across both the OS and browser et al. The problem I have is that everything I try looks a bit crap.. the fonts look messy or blocky etc.. does anyone out there have some settings they can share with me ? Maybe a theme or similar I can try.

ECarlson   2009-04-19 05:18
Sorry about your eyesight. Now that I'm over 40 I wear computer glasses. When I get my regular eye exam I have the optometrist write me 3 prescriptions: Regular, Computer, and Reading. I also buy my glasses from so they usually average around $20-40 per pair (I add the anti-reflective coating for $5). My latest order was for 2 pairs of each prescription (6 total). I leave one pair of computer glasses at work so I don't have to carry them back and forth or worry about forgetting them.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Good font/icon settings for 30" at 2560x1600

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