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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Settings Reset
Troy   2009-04-23 01:52
Everytime I lock or turn off my computer, the settings reset and it puts one monitor on top/above the other monitor. I have to move my monitors to the side by side position each time I log onto my computer. Is there a way to get these settings permanently configured so that I do not have to reset them constantly?

Troy Dailey
John Gerlach & Company LLP
Christian Studer   2009-04-23 10:04
Disabling TMM, a multi-monitor service included with Vista, might be worth a try.

To do this, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler > (left pane) > Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > MobilePC, then right-click TMM and select Disable from the menu. You'll need to restart your system after making the change.

Christian Studer -
Sam   2010-02-07 00:25
Having the same issue and am using Windows 7 64 bit. I do not see those choices in the administrative Tools section.... Please advise.
Sam   2010-02-07 00:41
OK I found the window with Mobile PC, went to the top window in the middle, right clicked, set to disable, restarted my PC and still have the same problem with my secondary monitor reverting to landscape mode when I set it to portrait prior to running Ultramon. Please advise
Christian Studer   2010-02-07 08:17
Seems unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon, to verify this check if you still have the problem without UltraMon installed.

Christian Studer -
Sam   2010-02-07 08:52
wasn't happening prior to install. Just had screen saver picture split between 2 monitors.
Sam   2010-02-07 09:20
2 monitors
Current desktop: 2970x2130 (-1050,-1050 - 1920,1080)

Monitor 1 - DELL S2409W (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1040
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - DELL 2005FPW:
Settings: 1050x1680, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1050,-1050 - 0,630. Workspace: -1050,-1050 - 0,590
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0
sam   2010-02-08 10:18
Anyone have a similar issue? Fix?? Anyone....
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Settings Reset

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